Uploading a pcap File Using a REST API Key: A Guide for Professional and Business Plan Subscribers.
If you're a subscriber to our Professional or Business plan, you have the exclusive capability to upload pcap files through our REST API Key. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the process:
Remember, the ability to upload pcap files via the REST API Key provides a streamlined and efficient way for Professional and Business plan subscribers to manage and utilize their account features.
Execute the following command to enqueue a file for processing:
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <REST API Key>" -F file=@<path to pcap file> https://apackets.com/api/v1/upload/private/
Upon completing the upload, the upload service will issue a response containing the pcap UUID. This UUID serves as a unique identifier for future referencing.:
{"name":"<pcap file name>","uuid":"<pcap UUID>"}
While the file is undergoing processing, you can monitor its status by utilizing the pcap UUID obtained in the previous step.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <REST API Key>" https://apackets.com/api/v1/pcaps/private/status/<pcap UUID>
Once the pcap processing has concluded, the request will furnish a response.
{"status": "ok"}otherwise
{"status": "processing"}
Once the processing is finalized, you can conveniently navigate to and oversee the managed files in your profile through the following link: https://apackets.com/my
To assess your subscription limits and review your current usage, execute the following command:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <REST API Key>" https://apackets.com/api/v1/pcaps/private/user/limits
Here's an exemplar of the output:
{ "currentFilesCount": 2, "filesLimit": 500, "maxFileSize": 104857600 }